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About Me

Updated: Jan 21

As this is my 1st Blog, I thought I'd use the opportunity to introduce myself and Kaykins Creation!

I've always loved being creative. The love of art began at school but over the years as with many things in life, this love became lost. When the Covid pandemic hit, a slight career change was prompted which suddenly allowed me the time to reignite and explore my inner creativity once again.


What started with acrylic & watercolour paintings, turned to learning fluid art paint pouring which in turn lead to the world of jewellery and creating unique items like those you see today. Once I got the bug, it was impossible to stop so it was time to see if my creations were of any interest to the wider world.

This initially began by simply posting some of my creations and works in progress on my social media pages. This was met with so much support from family and friends that it inspired me to grow this further. I then stumbled across some local craft markets which initially the idea of, was rather outside my comfort zone and could be your thinking too! But not to worry, I'll soon include a blog about markets and how to prepare for these, physically and mentally.

Ultimately though, this is how Kaykins Creation came to fruition.

About My Products

All of my items are lead and nickel free.

Excluding pre-made Metal pendants which are currently supplied externally, everything else you see here is created and put together in some shape or form by myself. 

I personally try wherever possible to help our planet and so my Upcycled Collections were also born. This means that some, or all, of the products used within this collection have been rescued from landfill (not including Ear hooks which for hygiene reasons are brand new). For online orders, the packaging in most cases will also be reused packaging from my own orders in order to reduce unneccessary waste. It might not look the prettiest but I believe most people these days would prefer the knowledge that they're helping to support sustainability rather than aesthetics when we know full well it will be ripped open anyway (not including gift packaging).


I'd like to also say whilst you're here, a big Thank You for your support.

It’s the greatest compliment to know that you’re enjoying my creations, taking the time to support and follow our journey, whilst inspiring me in the process to continue my creative passion.

In case you aren't already aware, we send out monthly email newsletters advertising new creations, as well as special offers and discount codes which we don't neccessarily advertise on social media. If you don't want miss out on these, you can subscribe to our monthly emails via our website homepage by just popping your email address into the yellow box. And don't forget to mark our email address, as a safe sender :)

Kayleigh at Kaykins Creation x

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